Direttore responsabile
Giacomo Pardini - Università degli Studi di Salerno

Direttori scientifici
Alessandro Cavagna - Università degli Studi di Milano
Giacomo Pardini - Università degli Studi di Salerno


Giacomo Pardini is currently Assistant Professor of Ancient Numismatics in the Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the University of Salerno, where in 2013 he obtained his PhD in Metodi e metodologie della ricerca archeologica e storico artistica with a thesis entitled “Rinvenimenti monetali a Pompei. Contesti e circolazione.” Dr. Pardini studied at the Sapienza-University of Rome (Faculty of Liberal Arts), where he obtained a degree in Archaeology (Methods and Techniques of Archaeological Research) in 2004, and a post-graduate certificate in Classical Archaeology (Greek and Roman Numismatics) in 2008. He was awarded Research Grants from the same university in 2011 and 2014. From 2008 through 2014, he served as Instructor in Ancient Numismatics at the Sapienza-University of Rome, holding seminars and training sessions for graduate and post-graduate students. He was also a member of the Examining Commission for Undergraduate Courses in Ancient Numismatics and of the Bachelor's Thesis Examination Committee for Ancient Numismatics and Physical Methods for Cultural Heritages. Dr. Pardini has participated in several international archaeological missions, including the Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia, University of Cincinnati; and the exploration of the north-eastern slope of the Palatine Hill in Rome, Sapienza-University of Rome. He is also a scientific consultant to the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma. He has taken part in numerous international conferences. He organized the I International Numismatics Workshop: “Numismatica e Archeologia. Monete, stratigrafie e contesti. Dati a confronto” (Rome, 2011), the International Seminar “PRotocollo di studio e Analisi della Moneta proveniente da Contesti Archeologici Pluristratificati – PRAMCAP/18” (Rome, 2018) and the International Conference “Monete frazionate. Quadri regionali, questioni cronologiche, aspetti economici” (Milano, 2019). He has played high-level roles in several excavation projects, including the Meta Sudans site (1996-2003) and the exploration of the north-eastern slope of the Palatine Hill (2001-2015), in Rome; the Trebula Mutuesca (Monteleone Sabino) site, in the province of Rieti (2000-2001); and the Tell Barri/Kahat site in Syria (1997-1998). His main area of interest is ancient Greek and Roman numismatics, with particular emphasis on the relations between archaeology and coins, numismatic research methods, the interpretation of numismatic finds from multi-layered excavations, and the analysis of monetary circulation systems and ancient economic processes. He is currently involved in the analysis of monetary finds in Rome (the north-eastern slope of the Palatine Hill, Piazza Venezia, and Piazza Vittorio-Horti Lamiani), Ostia (Terme del Nuotatore), Naples, Pompeii (Regiones I.1 and VIII.7.1-17, Temple of Venus, Stabian Bath, Fondo Iozzino) and Velia. Following the discovery in Rome of the Meta Sudans Augustea (Piazza del Colosseo) and the Imperial Regalia attributed to Maxentius (north-eastern slope of the Palatine), Dr. Pardini conducted a study on the coins found in these sites to identify their significance within the ideology of imperial power. In 2014-2015 Academic Year, he was a Margo Tytus Visiting Scholar in the Department of Classics at the University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH-USA), where he is conducting research on “Men and their Coins. Ports, trade, and monetary circulation in Tyrrhenian Italy between the Hellenistic Age and the first century AD”. From 2019 he is Member and Secretary of the Board of the Consulta Universitaria Italiana di Numismatica (Co.I.N.).


Alessandro Cavagna, studied at the University of Milan and obtained his PhD at the Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici of the University of San Marino. He collaborated with the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and he specialised in Archaeology at the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens (SAIA).

He is Associate Professor of Ancient Numismatics at the Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics of the University of Milan, where he is also charged with the the role of Deputy Head of the Department. Since 2019 he is treasurer of the Consulta Universitaria Italiana di Numismatica-Co.I.N.

His research focuses on the economic and monetary aspects related to the production and circulation of ancient coins; he studied and classified coins stored in Italian Museums (Florence, Milan, Como, Parma, Taranto) and in European and International Museums (Athens, Corinth, Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Zagreb, Paris, London, Vienna, New York).

He collaborates with different archaeological expeditions, on behalf of which he is numismatic expert, including the Mission at West Aswan (EIMAWA, P. Piacentini) and the italian archaeological projects of Gortyna (G. Bejor, F. Slavazzi, C. Lambrugo), Tarquinia (G. Bagnasco), Nora (G. Bejor, F. Chiesa), Monte Zara (F. Chiesa). He is the author of works in peer-reviewed academic journals, series and conference proceedings, including three monographs La crisi dello Stato tolemaico tra inflazione e svalutazione del denaro (2010), Provincia Dacia. I conî (2012) and Monete tolemaiche oltre l’Egitto (2015).


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