Antonio F. Ferrandes is Research Fellow in the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità at Sapienza- Università di Roma, teaching ‘Archaeology of Production, Consumption and Trade’. His primary research interests include, on the one hand, archaeological theory and method, urban archaeology, and the archaeology of Roman architecture and landscapes from the Republican period to Late Antiquity and beyond and, on the other, the economic and social history of the ancient world, the study of material culture, and the archaeology of production and the history of Mediterranean trade. Since 2001, Dr. Ferrandes has been field supervisor of the excavations on the northeast slopes of the Palatine, concerning which he has published several preliminary reports; he is currently working on the final publication of this project, covering both its overall results and detailed studies of individual contexts. He has also conducted fieldwork for the construction of Rome’s new subway line (Piazza Venezia, Piazza San Giovanni, Piazza Lodi) and participated in projects at Veii, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Pantelleria. Dr. Ferrandes has consistently engaged in the study of Roman material culture and the history of urban provisioning between the Republican and Imperial periods (e.g., materials from the Palatine and the Colosseum valley, the Esquiline and the S. Giovanni area, and the Janiculum). In particular, many of his presentations and publications have focused on the Middle-Republican period, which was also the subject of his doctoral dissertation (The circulation of ceramics in Rome between the 4 th and 3 rd centuries BCE: Production, distribution, and consumption). With regard to the extra-urban sphere, he is currently working on the publication of contexts both from stratigraphic excavations (Gabii, Pompeii and Jerusalem) and field surveys (Cossyra). Recently, Dr. Ferrandes has also participated in the organization of several exhibitions (2001, Colosseum: Nerone; 2007, Museo Nazionale Romano, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme: I segni del potere; 2010, Ex vetrerie Sciarra: I grandi Scavi Archeologici della Sapienza: Valle del Colosseo/Palatino nord-orientale; 2018/19, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo: I Severi e Roma; 2020, Piazza Vittorio - Nuova Sede ENPAM: Museo/Ninfeo).
Tomaso Maria Lucchelli is Associate Professor of Numismatics at University Ca’ Foscari Venice; he has taught courses of Ancient Numismatics (Bachelor’s Degree) and Ancient Numismatics and Medieval Numismatics (Master Degree). His research focuses on coinage in marginal contexts of the Greek and Roman world and the spread of coinage, Roman provincial coinage, and ancient metrology. He is author of more than 70 papers.
Marco Maiuro, PhD (University of Triest and French CNRS, 2007) was awarded fellowships by the Universities of Freiburg i.B. (1998‐9), University of London (Min. Affari Esteri, 2000‐1), SAIA Atene (2003), Ecole Française à Rome (2004) and post-doc fellowships by the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in the US (2007‐8), the Gerda‐Henkel – Marie Curie Foundation (2014), and the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2013 e 2015). He got the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale as Associate Professor in 2014 and as Full Professor in 2020. Full‐time Assistant Professor of History in the Department of History at Columbia University in the City of New York (2008‐14), since 2014 he has been Associate fellow of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in the US, since 2016 Adjunct Associate Professor of Ancient History in the Department of History, and since 2019 fellow Associate of the Department of Classics at Columbia University. Lecturer (RTDB) in 2016 in the Department of Sciences of Antiquities at Sapienza, University of Rome, he is currently (since 2019) permanent Associate Professor of Roman History (L-Ant/03; SSD 10/D1). He has written on problems of administration, economic, fiscal and social history of the Roman Empire. In latest times he has dealt with matters concerning urbanization, demography and agrarian productivity. Mediterranean commerce and related customary laws and monetary policies are also at the centre of his interests. He has written mainly on Africa, Egypt, Anatolia and Italy. He has been running since 2011 the Advanced Program of Ancient History of Art, an international scholarly and didactic summer program held at Hadrian’s villa in Tivoli. He has served as evaluator for the ERC, for ANVUR, and he is in the board of peer review committees for Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Liverpool University Press. He is a regular peer reviewer for some of the most prestigious journals in the field. He authored a monograph and edited seven books.
Lorenzo Passera graduated in 2000 with a dissertion on Medieval Numismatics. He obtained his PhD in Science of Antiquity in 2008, dealing with a numismatic research on the value of metals in the Lombard age in Italy. In 2018, he obtained his national scientific qualification as a second level professor for the period 2018-2027. He is currently a research fellow at the University of Udine. During his studies he has been involved in several museum cataloguing campaigns of numismatic materials at several museums in Northern Italy: Venice (Museo Archeologico: roman republican coins), Verona (Civico Museo di Castelvecchio: roman and medieval coins), Padua (Museo Bottacin): Roman, medieval, modern coins), Trieste (Museo Civico: roman republican and medieval coins), Cividale del Friuli (Museo Archeologico: roman and lombard coins); at the present he works with the coin cabinet’s keeper of Civic Museums of Udine for the reorganization of the rich collection (about 50 thousand coins dating from the greek to the modern age). He collaborates with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities ad Tourism for the identification and dating of excavated coins and he is a numismatic consultant for the Carabinieri Headquarters for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (offices in Udine and Venice). He worked for two years at the local Centre for the Cataloguing of Cultural Heritage in Passariano (Codroipo - UD) for the census of regional archaeological and numismatic finds. In 2014 he obtained a research grant awarded by the University of Trieste for the reorganization and study of an important collection of Greek and Roman coins. Thanks to another research grant, in 2017, he started a study of account money systems in the medieval Patriarchate of Aquileia (XII-XV centuries) which is still continuing today and is aimed at the creation of a numismatic database for the study of monetary values and prices. In the course of his studies he dealt with Greek, Roman, Islamic, early medieval and medieval coinage. His current scientific interests, in the field of numismatics, currently concern also the study of the coins of account in Roman age through the epigraphic documentation. In 2018 he published the results of a complex study on the value of metals in Lombard and Byzantine Italy, ascertaining that the finds to be found undeniably attest to the persistence of Roman coins in circulation even in subsequent eras, preserving some economic value (L. Passera, Il bronzo come strumento di scambio e riserva di valore nell'Italia di età longobarda, EUT Trieste 2018). In 2019, with B. Figliuolo and A. Bocchi, he edited the numismatic commentary on an unknown medieval market document found in the State Archives of Pisa and datable to the middle of the 14th century, in the same years in which the much more famous treatise Della Mercatura by F. Pegolotti was written (A. Bocchi, B. Figliuolo, L. Passera, Ragioni di mercatura. Un rotolo pergamenaceo fiorentino trecentesco di argomento commerciale, Udine 2019). In addition to dealing with numismatics, he is a freelance numismatic consultant and lecturer (Entrepreneurial Marketing) at private training institutions.
Annalisa Polosa is associate professor in Ancient Numismatics at Rome University “La Sapienza”. She is professor of Ancient Numismatics at the Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia of "Sapienza" University of Rome and member of the teaching board of the PhD in Classical Archaeology of "Sapienza" University of Rome. She took the degree in Lettere at Rome University “La Sapienza” (thesis in Ancient Numismatics, on ancient coin circulation in the Abruzzi), the Specialization in Classical Archaeology at the I Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia of Rome University “La Sapienza” (thesis in Roman Epigraphy, on technical features of republican inscriptions), and the PhD in Classical Archaeology at Rome University “La Sapienza” (thesis on the romanization of Sardinia through numismatic testimonies). She obtained a post Ph.D. grant from the ministère des Affaires Etrangères for a research on the Roman republican coins of the Cabinet des Médailles, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. She has been Contract professor at Rome University “La Sapienza” (Ancient Metrology), at Siena University (Archaeology of Numismatic Production and Greek and Roman Coin Iconography), contract researcher at Rome University “La Sapienza” (Coin production and circulation in Asia Minor in Hellenistic times). She collaborates with the Soprintendenza Archeologica della Calabria, for archaeological researches in Sybaris’ area and for the study of the numismatic materials from excavations in the region. She has collaborated with the Archaeological Missions of Siena University in Thamusida (Morocco) and Hepahestia (Lemnos, Greece). From 2015 to 2019 she has been the Director of the Archaeological Mission of Rome University “La Sapienza” in Elaiussa Sebaste (Turkey).
Mariangela Puglisi is Associate Professor of Numismatics at the University of Messina (Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne, DiCAM). Member of the Board of the PhD course in Humanities (Scienze Umanistiche). Member of the Royal Numismatic Society (RNS) (London), of the American Numismatic Society (ANS) (NY) and of the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Messina). Member of the Board of the Consulta Universitaria Italiana di Numismatica (Co.I.N.) and delegate of the Co.I.N. in the Board of the Federazione delle Consulte Universitarie di Archeologia (FdCA). Former Senior Researcher and Research Fellow in Numismatics at the University of Messina with teaching assignments. 2018 Visiting Scholar at the American Numismatic Society, New York (‘64th Graduate Summer Seminar in Numismatics’): awarded the first ‘Eric P. Newman Medal’. Job-shadowing at The British Museum, London. Teaching activities in various European and American Universities and Institutions, receiving various awards for her research. Graduated in Humanities - Classical Literatures (cum laude), University of Messina (1993). Specialised in Classical Archeology (cum laude), University of Lecce (1997). Ph.D. in Archeology and History of Greek and Roman Art, University of Messina (2001) and Post- Doc Grant (2003). Organisation of the “8th Joint Meeting of ECFN and” (Messina, 2019) on coin finds and Digital Numismatics. Organisation of the XV International Numismatic Congress (Taormina, 2015). Participation as speaker in numerous international congresses. Participation in National and International Research Projects. Member of scientific boards and editorial committees of periodicals (DNum, Quaderni di Archeologia, Peloro) and book series (Semata e Signa). Author of numerous scientific contributions and two monographs (“La Sicilia da Dionisio I a Sesto Pompeo. Circolazione e funzione della moneta”, Messina 2009 (Pelorias 16); Sella curule e altri seggi. Studi di iconografia monetale romana, Reggio Calabria 2012 (Semata e Signa 7). Another monograph on the coinage of the ancient mint of Skotoussa is in preparation. Study of numismatic materials from the excavations at Skotoussa (Thessaly), from some Sicilian archaeological sites (Taormina, Naxos, Halaesa, Tindari, Milazzo, Patti Marina), from Tortora/Blanda Iulia, Laino/Laos (Lucania) and from Kyme (Aeolis, Turkey). Member of the Italo-Greek Archaeological Mission in Skotoussa, Thessaly. Her studies are also focused on coin iconography (LIN: Lexicon Iconographicum Numismaticae and DIANA: Digital Iconographic Atlas of Numismatics in Antiquity) and on coin epigraphy (I.Num.Sic.: Inscriptiones Nummorum Siciliae).
Emanuela Spagnoli Researcher Fixed Term Type B - L.240/10 (Associate Professor Tenure-Track; SSD L- Ant/04 Numismatics), ASN 2013, II fascia, Subject Area 10/A1 Archaeology (University of Naples ‘Federico II’ – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici). After studying Classical Archaeology and Numismatics at University of Naples ‘Federico II’, she specialized in Numismatics at University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’-Scuola di Specializzazione (Archaeology, Greek, and Roman Art) and later she earned a PhD in Ancient History at University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (XXI cycle). She was a researcher at Coin Cabinet of the Musei Capitolini in Rome from 1987 to 1992. She joined Naples as a lecturer teaching Numismatics at Suor Orsola Benincasa University in 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009. In 2012 She obtained a research contract from the local unit of research at University of Naples Federico II- PRIN 2008 (“I ritrovamenti monetali come strumento di conoscenza e di verifica dei fenomeni di sviluppo e rafforzamento della moneta nel territorio dell’Italia centro-meridionale in età antica”, local coord. prof. M. Taliercio, UniNA). She was in charge of the local unit of research at University of Naples Federico II for several national projects: PRIN 2005 (“I ritrovamenti monetali inseriti nel contesto archeologico come strumento di conoscenza e di verifica dei fenomeni inflattivi”, coord. Prof. G. Gorini, Università degli Studi di Padova); PRIN 2003 (“Tra archeologia e storia economica. I ritrovamenti monetali come strumento di conoscenza e verifica dei modelli teorici dello sviluppo monetario. La legge di Gresham”, coord. prof. G. Gorini, Università degli Padova); PRIN 2001 (“Le monete dell’Italia antica e meridionale”, coord. prof. G. Gorini, Università degli Studi di Padova); PRIN 1997 (“Moneta antica- documento storico e bene culturale”, coord. prof. A. Stazio, UniNA). In 2013 she obtained her Qualification for Associate Professor, Sector 10/A1 Archaeology, SSD L-Ant/04, Numismatics. She taught at University of Naples Federico II in 2012-2014 as a Professor of Numismatics in the post-graduated Course of Archaeology and Histoy of Art (2012/2013) and in two-years Specialization Course in Archeology at University of Naples Federico II -DSU (2013/2014). From 2016 until 2019 she was Researcher-type A (RTDA) at University of Naples Federico II -DSU and from 2019-today she is a Researcher- type B (RTDB). From AA 2017-18 –today, she is teaching ancient Numismatics at University of Naples “Federico II”-DSU in under-graduated and post graduated courses. Undergraduates modules: Numismatica greca e romana (CFU 12), Corso di Studi in Archeologia, Storia delle Arti e del Patrimonio culturale; Postgraduates modules: Numismatica romana (CFU 2) Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici; PhD module: Fonti e metodi della ricerca numismatica (DSU, Dottorato in Storia, XXXVI cycle). AA 2017/2018 – today: She is member of Degree Commissions as thesis Supervisor in Numismatics for the Degree Course in Archaeology and History of Art, UniNA-DSU; member of the Degree Commissions for Master’s Degree Courses in Archaeology and History of Art, UniNA-DSU; delegated by the Director of the Department UniNA-DSU for student’s curricular internship (Degree Course in Archaeology and History of Art). She works on issues relating ancient Italy and Mediterranean/Near Eastern monetary, fiscal and trade systems spanning the late archaism in Greece and South Italy to the early Byzantine period and medieval age in Central Italy. As an economic historian with wide ranging interests in ancient history and numismatics, she has published on a variety of topics focusing Greek archaic finance and coinage, market regulations, Roman monetization, and Roman-imperial production and circulation of lead tokens and tesserae. Her current works regard the incuse-coinage of Magna Graecia (Italy) and, in particular, she is preparing a monograph on the archaic and classical coinage of the polis of Croton and a second volume on the monetary economy of the archaic Greek polis of Sybaris, with a die-sequence study and detailed information about hoards and site finds, monetary metrology. She is interested in coins from archaeological contexts as part of ancient material culture: collaboration with teams of various excavations gave her the opportunity to focus on coin finds by a diachronical and regional/extra-regional approach to historical processes, social and economic phenomena. Her interests extend also to Italian antiquarianism and numismatic collections of the 15th–20th centuries. She is member of the followings research projects promoted by the Department of the Humanitistic Studies-University of Naples Federico II: 2019/2021: L’unificazione del Mediterraneo sotto il dominio di Roma: istituzioni, economia, circolazione di uomini e merci; 2018-2020: Produzione e commercio dei beni alimentari nella Campania romana (III secolo a.C. – III sec. d.C.); 2017 /2019; 2019/2021: Circolazione monetaria nei territori di Ostia e Portus Romae (Età romana repubblicana-Età tardo antica); 2017-2019: partecipazione al gruppo di ricerca UNINA-DSU: La cultura dell'antico a Napoli nel secolo XIX. Fellowships and grants 2010/2012: She had research grants by the Archaeologisches Institut der Universitaet zu Koeln (D) about the research project “Amiternum, Eine archaeologische Regionalstudie in den Abruzzen” (directed by prof. M. Heinzelmann, Universitaet zu Koeln, Archaeologisches Institut, Albertus Magnus Platz, Koeln-D), subject: “Muenzbearbeitung Grabung Amiternum”. 1987-1992: Fellowship by the Musei Capitolini-Rome (Italy) Coin Cabinet. 1987: Fellowship by the Italian Foreign Office in Greece, about the research project: "Circolazione della moneta di Corinto e delle sue colonie”. As a Fellow-researcher her research projects include: the Ostia-DAI-AAR project (directed by Prof. Michael Heinzelman, Koeln Universitaet-Germany; Archer Martin); the Portus project (directed by Prof. Simon Keay, University of Southampton-UK); the Kyme-Moneta project (an UniNA project in collaboration with the CNRS-Centre Jean Bérard in Naples); the Herculaneum and the Vesuvian area project with a program of resources devoted to the coin finds from old and recent excavations, including a UniNA projects applied to archival sources about archaeological excavations from 18th to 20th C. She curated or collaborated to the organization of a number of exhibitions on coins from archaeological excavations in Rome, Ostia and Portus Romae, in Kyme and in the Vesuvian area (Naples, Campania) and on monetary aspects of late-archaic Greek poleis in Southern Italy (Sybaris, Croton in Magna Graecia). At the Musei Capitolini in Rome (1987-1992), she oversaw the inedited numismatic collection of the antiquarian Francesco Martinetti (Rome, 1883-1895). As a member of the Società internazionale di miniatura, she has studied Greek and Roman coins in Renaissance illuminated manuscripts testifying technical and artistic skills as well as the path to contextualize the first eminent scientific interests of modern collectionists and their new approach to ancient numismatics. She is involved in initiatives regarding the online presentation of numismatic data. She read papers or lectured in Italy and abroad for many different institutions. She is a member the editorial board of the scientific journal Dialoghi di Numismatica ( ).
Andrea Stella studied at the University of Padua where, since January 2020, is a research fellow in Numismatics. He worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Udine, where he received his PhD in 2017, and at the University of Trieste. Since 2009 he is in charge of the study and edition of the coin finds coming from the Roman site of Aquileia, collaborating with the Universities of Padua and Verona. He recently recorded and published 10.000 specimens kept in the local National Archaeological Museum, where he currently serves as scientific advisor for the new public exhibition of the numismatic collection. In the framework of the project Ritrovamenti monetali di età romana nel Veneto, he published the entire numismatic collection of the Museo Nazionale Atestino of Este (Padua). Between 2009 and 2017, he collaborated with the University of Padua to record and publish the coin finds from the excavations on the “Roman Temple” of Nora (Sardinia). From 2017, he cooperates with the project Coin Hoards of The Roman Empire of the Ashmolean Museum and Oxford Roman Economy Project in order to collect data concerning coin hoards from Italy and Lybia. His main fields of research include monetary circulation and production in the north east of Italy and in the Roman province of Sardinia et Corsica, monetary offerings in Roman graves and the relationship between coins and the archaeological context.